Josh Koop
Affiliate Marketer & Content Creator

Niche Site Project One – Month Eight: January 2023

Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop
niche site project one - month eight income report

The building has continued into January, but the clicks keep increasing for Amazon, and the display ads continue to perform at a level to give positive growth.

It will be a hard road to push this year to meet my goal of a $4000 month and hitting 100,000 pageviews, but I think it is possible.

Content Production For The Month

Holy cow, 36 posts written means that, for the first time, I broke the post-a-day mark! This is where I want to be to keep this site rocketing where I want it to be.

Income For The Month

The income still isn’t anything to write home about. Still, at almost $31, I continue to do well, as January is notorious for a considerable drop in ad revenue, which showed here.


Ignore the drop at the end of the month. I messed up the Google Analytics code and didn’t realize it right away. Otherwise, its a lovely month of growth.

Amazon Performance

This is just torturous, though with only 39 clicks I would hope to have got at least one purchase, but maybe next month!

Ezoic Performance

January hurt as usual as the ePMV moved from $23 to $17.75, so I made more money on more traffic but the year is always like this, especially January, so hope is up to get back to $23 sooner rather than later!

Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop

I’m a husband/father, niche site creator, WordPress entrepreneur, and online educator who values community, transparency and sharing as much as possible. If you’re interested in what I do and teach, I’d be honored if you’d join my list, subscribe to my channels, or toss up a like on a video.