Josh Koop
Affiliate Marketer & Content Creator

Niche Site Project One – Month Three: August 2022

Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop
niche site project one - month three income report

Josh Koop > NSP One > Niche Site Project One – Month Three: August 2022

Month three is much like the previous two months, building content but focused on the growth of the overall site and looking towards 2023 to be the year of actual monetization and income.

For now, I have added the domain to Amazon Associates and built a tag for it to track getting clicks and start to see what gets visitor interest from the content, and hopefully, sales to help use it to angle content.

Content Production For The Month

I was busy creating content this month and reached 18 published posts on the site. I started looking into some “best xx for yy” content as those are the massive money makers.

Income For The Month

As in previous months, the income is still a big fat zero, but the affiliate links are beginning to be placed in content as it goes live and where it makes sense to try and get a sneaky conversion or two!


Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop

I’m a husband/father, niche site creator, WordPress entrepreneur, and online educator who values community, transparency and sharing as much as possible. If you’re interested in what I do and teach, I’d be honored if you’d join my list, subscribe to my channels, or toss up a like on a video.

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