Josh Koop
Affiliate Marketer & Content Creator

Niche Site Project One – Month Fifteen: August 2023

Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop
Niche Site Project One Month Fifteen

Josh Koop > Niche Site Project One – Month Fifteen: August 2023

As the summer has been cruising to its end this month, content slowed while school prep and soccer tournaments ruled life. I was focused hard on grinding out massive content to get to 500 posts total, but now I am trying to get to a publishing schedule of more like a post or two daily instead of gluttonous output.

This site topic still allows for near-effortless content creation at this point, so maintaining the pace and getting myself a gigantic site is still the goal. I am working towards my goal of hitting a $ 1,000 month before year-end and hopefully before October!

Content Production For NSP1 In August 2023

Like last month, I have focused on ensuring I cover topics in depth and detail but have had to slow down the overall content speed to maintain a real-life and work balance.

As such, I created 30 posts this month at a total of 58k words. I feel content volume and consistency matter much more than we want to give it credit for, especially on a fresh site.

I produced two more “Best XX for YY” pages on the site not included above, which are already beginning to pay dividends with exact items from my list selling over the last week and a half.

This doesn’t mean producing a post an hour daily or being crazy but publishing like a new site would with one a day, then two, and as they grow they can produce more each day and currently I am between 1-3 each day.

My push for Q3 into Q4 is to focus on using Koala to generate “best” content and “review” content to grow the affiliate income. I really have a hard time creating this content as it is not the content I enjoy creating, and this tool has made its creation far more efficient.

Income For NSP1 In August 2023

This month’s income was up over 21% versus last month as I grew a bit but only $28 more ad revenue than in June. Overall, July income came in at $726.01, with Amazon earnings nearing the $200 mark, which means we broke the $700 mark.

Analytics For NSP1 In August 2023

As it has become more commonplace, the site had a more normalized growth pattern occurring, and the days of 100% MoM growth rates are gone, but each month of solid, consistent growth gets me towards the numbers to be life-changing!

I am happy with August’s 10% pageview growth, but I am sad that overall users were down. This may be due to the end of the season or maybe Google’s Algorithm update, which lasted the entire end of the month.

But I am laying the groundwork to push hard and fast to reach that 50k sessions/users mark and onto more significant traffic numbers!

With the end of Universal Analytics, the following months and moving forward will contain GA4 data, which looks like the below currently until I learn how to make more valuable reports to portray data.

Ga4 Nsp1 Month15

Google Search Console For NSP1 In August 2023

As with the analytics above, the overall Google search numbers seem to bounce slightly with lower numbers in the algo update throughout the last week+ of the month, but the real need is to keep calm and carry on. I am working to keep growing content (informational and money), building internal linking, and building value within the site.

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Gsc Nsp1 Month15

Keyword Performance For NSP1 In August 2023

I used to use SerpRobot, but they have increased their costs dramatically over the last year. It has moved from 500 SERP results to 150 and then to 75 for $4.99. While it can be nice, there is a better competitor now in PeakSERP if you want to support small creators.

Ezoic NicheIQ Pagebooster Results For NSP1 In August 2023

Leaning into NicheIQ and PageBooster has helped me see what Google has ranked and found valuable. Now, I am adding more content NicheIQ suggested with high volume and locking down the posts that provide quality search volume.

Nicheiq Nsp1 Month15 1

As you can see below, I am doing well as most of the content is stable. I believe trending down is more due to being right in the middle of the algorithm update itself. With a trend down in only a few things, I am evaluating versus others in the same keyword area to see what I need to clean up or look to add.

Nicheiq Nsp1 Month15 2

As a important note, content need to have at least 100 pageviews in the period to be tracked so making sure your content gets views is vital to using this tool effectively.

Amazon Performance For NSP1 In August 2023

I had a pretty solid month as I continued to buckle down with Koala to generate some best x for y content that I knew I would rank for. This helped me begin a path toward growing some affiliate side income while I worked out building non-Amazon best content manually.

I feel that the choice to use Lasso for the non-Amazon content will help boost the overall affiliate income once I can get some conversions on the non-Amazon offers I have begun adding to the content and into buying-focused content.

Amazon Nsp1 Month15

Ezoic Performance For NSP1 In August 2023

As the traffic continues to grow and income grows alongside, the performance on Ezoic has done well with the EPMV growing to over $20, but traditionally Q3 is pretty bad due to Summer ending while being the quarter before Q4 and the end of the year bang.

Ezoic Ad Results For NSP1 In August 2023

Performance to me was very solid as the site continues to grow and we broke the $500 mark again for the month in ad revenue!

Ezoic Nsp1 Month15

Ezoic Video Results For NSP1 In August 2023

My income growth since focusing on Humix video is impressive as it has been performing solidly. I used to average a paltry $10 or so monthly, but since focusing starting last month, I have now begun to average $30-40+ extra a month for in-video ad content.

This will only continue to grow as I take time to make videos for my content, either from regular video or from Flickify from Ezoic, which is a fantastic AI tool to convert your posts into video consumable content!

Humix Nsp1 Month15
Josh Koop the owner of this blog and building of niche websites
Josh Koop

I’m a husband/father, niche site creator, WordPress entrepreneur, and online educator who values community, transparency and sharing as much as possible. If you’re interested in what I do and teach, I’d be honored if you’d join my list, subscribe to my channels, or toss up a like on a video.

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